Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Birds by Micheala

Hi, I’m Micheala. I’m going to talk about birds. Some birds can be pets, but if you have them as pets sometimes you have to clean out their cage weekly or sometimes earlier. Birds need water and food to live. Some birds live outside. There are a lot of different kinds of birds like cardinals, blue Jays, and finches.
I used to have a bird, and it was a budgie. When I got it, we were saying random names to it, and when we said “Coco Loco,” he looked at us, so we then named him Coco Loco.  He’s green on his wings and back, and his face is yellow. He was only my bird, so it was sort of hard with school and everything to keep him clean and take care of him.  I wanted to teach him how to speak. Through the couple days with I have had him, when we played the songs “We are never ever getting back together” by Taylor Swift and “Call me maybe” by Carly Rae Jepson, he would chirp the whole time.  We had to turn it up really loud, so we could hear the music over him. If you put your hand in the cage he would freak out and fly everywhere, but he was getting better when we put our hands in his cage.  Soon we would have been able to put our hands in the cage, and he would land on our hand and we would be able to take him out of the cage. The cage he is in is only big enough for one bird, so if we get a second bird we will have to get a bigger cage or get a second cage. We got him from my mom’s one friend Jason, who got him from a lady. When Jason got him, he got two other birds, so he was good with other birds.  
 I like birds because they are interesting. They are interesting because you can learn a lot by having one, and once they get older you can teach them how to do tricks and to talk. You can learn that they need to have attention, and that they need to be fed a lot. You can also learn that if it’s cold outside and the door has a drift coming through it, the bird can get sick and die.
This is all I can say about birds. Thanks for reading.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Glitch-hop by Evin

Hi, my name is Evin! I would like to write about my music. I’ll start by saying that the kind of music that I make is electronic music. To be specific it is called glitch-hop. Glitch-hop is a combination of hip-hop, dubstep, and funk. I really enjoy working on songs; in fact, I spend most of my time at home working on my music. I started when I was 10. I bought a really basic music production program for my computer. At that time I was just learning how to do basic stuff, and I did not know what did what, so I just turned random knobs until I liked the sound of it. When I was 11, I found a real music production program. When I say that, I mean a music production program that somebody like Skrillex would use. Don’t believe me? I’ll show you a video introducing the FL Studio’s features. It is called FL Studio 10. It took me a while to figure out how it worked, but I did. I bought FL Studio 10 for 300 dollars when I was 12, which is the age that I am now (It took me a while to save up). Click here to go to FL Studio's Website

When I work, I have my own way of designing sounds. I do not use the common sounds that everybody uses in dubstep. Almost every dubstep producer that I find uses those sounds, and because of that, every producer sounds the same. I like to listen to music producers that have their own signature sounds and basses, like Koan Sound, a music producer that I get lots of inspiration from.
Hope you enjoyed reading my post. Check out my YouTube channel here and listen to my music

Halo Reach by Tristan

Hello my name is Tristan B., and I’m going to write about a video game called Halo Reach. Halo Reach is a first person shooter, and it can be hard at times. The objective of the game is that aliens have invaded a planet called Reach, and you are assigned to a team that is called Noble Team. I’m going to start by explaining the details on what and what not to do in Campaign mode.

First, you should not let Kat drive. Also, if you find a sniper rifle, you should pick it up and use it. Another tip is: if you have a sniper rifle, you should try to find a shotgun and change it out with your other gun. In other words, keep both the shotgun and the sniper rifle. Last, you should not try to jump off a cliff to assassinate an Elite. In conclusion, I really think you should try this game. It’s fun.

Note: This game is rated M for Mature. The contents of this game may not be appropriate for all ages. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Call of Duty: World at War By Davion

Call of Duty: World at War is an Xbox 360 and a PS3 game. There are three modes you can play in: zombies, campaign, and multiplayer. In zombie mode, there are four players. Each player also has a good biography. The players’ names are Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolie, and  Dr. Richtofen. They have to survive together in zombie land for as many rounds as you can. My longest round is 500. It was really hard, but mods help.

You can use mods. There are choices to get certain mods. You can find one to your own liking on youtube.com. What are mods? I will tell you. Mods are helpful because they make it so you can do stuff you are not really allowed to do, like fly, have all the guns, and stuff like that. 

An Easter egg for getting a song on the zombies map called Derise is to get all the brains in a green jar glowing. Thanks for reading.

Note: This game is rated M for Mature. The contents of this game may not be appropriate for all ages.

My Crazy Cats By Jessica

Gato tomando sol
Today I would like to write about cats. I have four cats, and two of them are named Charlie and Charlotte. They are both beige and brown. Charlie and Charlotte are the nicest out of the four. My other two cats are both black, and they are named Lilly and Seuss. Lilly is skittish, and Seuss is evil. Seuss is evil because she always attacks people. We found Seuss right after she was born. We found her on the road, and we thought she was a mouse, because she was all curled up and tiny. When we took her to the vet, the veterinarian said she was a cat, so we took her home.  She used to be really nice. We have changed her name a lot. For instance, she used to sleep in a hat so we named her Cat in the Hat. Then we called her Dr. Seuss, now we call her Seuss. Seuss is Charlie, Charlotte, and Lilly’s mom.

Charlie and Charlotte both sleep in hilarious positions. Charlie will lay on the heater and put his stomach on the wall. Charlotte will curl up in a ball. They love to play with ponytails that I drop on the floor. A couple years ago Seuss found a little stuffed rooster that made noise, and she carried around like her baby.

Cats are a big responsibility. You have to do so much to take care of them. Some things I do to keep my cats healthy are: make sure they have clean water at all times, play with them every day, clean their litter every day, don’t bug them or maul them, and make sure they have their space.  I love having cats, and I hope you enjoyed reading about mine too.

Blackberry Z10 By Lexie

 Released February 5th in Canada.
BlackBerry has released a new phone called the Blackberry Z10. The Blackberry 10 looks like the iPhone, but it is much bigger. Blackberry has upgraded the App store and its camera. The App store now has 70,000 apps, and they claim they have also got 1000 of the most popular apps for smart phones. You can buy music on the app store, and you can buy or rent movies on it too. The camera is amazing from what I have seen; it has a feature where you can edit a photo if someone is blinking in the picture. 
The Blackberry 10 has a hub where you can see all your messages and notifications. Also BBM has free video chatting and calling over wireless internet. During either of those communications, you can do a screen share, which is when you and your friend can both see one of your guy’s screens. You can both control where you want to go and look through too.
The Blackberry 10 is a good phone, and probably one of the best Blackberrys.

Blackberry 10 By Dawson

The Blackberry 10 is not a very well built phone in my perspective, because when you want to find out about it the website crashes. Also it has rounded edges. If you’re old enough to have a phone, you shouldn’t need to have rounded edges on your phone. The storage space is good, but you have to keep restarting the phone. You can do still shots with the camera, but little kids are usually running around. So what about action shots? I ran around when I was little. So moms, I wouldn’t buy it if I had an active child. You can get more apps than previous Blackberry phones, but you probably have to buy almost everything. According to a reviewer in a video I watched online, the Blackberry 10 has little charging ability: you take it off the charger at 9, and it will be dead in 4 hours. What if you’re on a trip is 6 hours and you need your phone?
I personally like Android phones because you more storage space on an Android than a Blackberry first off, and on an Android you can have Facetime.
Blackberry has Blackberry Messaging and video chat, but the Blackberry 10 is thick, who wants a thick phone? It would be hard to carry places. Androids are nice and thin and easy to carry places. You can get Androids in different varieties and sizes, but Blackberry 10 you can only get in one size, and one size only, which I find not very creative. What if your friend has a Blackberry 10 and you do too? You have the same phone as your friend.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Cool Caterpillars By Kyla

I would like to talk to about caterpillars. Have you ever thought about how everything is enormous to them? Something that is enormous to caterpillars is a computer because some caterpillars are 2 inches tall and some computers are about 15 inches tall. Also, a blade of grass can even be even big to some caterpillars, just like the school is big to humans. Some caterpillars have six legs and spots on their back, and some have more legs and stripes. Caterpillars have all different coloured bodies such as green, white, black and many other colours. Caterpillars have very tiny teeth, which they use for biting and tearing leaves because they eat leaves and flowers.

The life cycle of a caterpillar is where the caterpillar starts as an egg, then the egg becomes a caterpillar then, the caterpillar forms a cocoon, where a cocoon is like a shell that is made out of the caterpillar’s saliva. The cocoon forms its around its body and hangs from a twig. If you wait a while, the caterpillar will pop out of its cocoon and become a beautiful fully grown butterfly. I think that the life cycle of a caterpillar is interesting because I think that turning from something slimy and long into something beautiful is amazing!

If I had to choose between a caterpillar or a butterfly for which life stage I like best, I would choose a caterpillar. I would choose a caterpillar because you can touch and hold one, but if you tried to hold a butterfly, it would fly away. I would also choose a caterpillar because I think a caterpillar is cuter. A caterpillar does most of work in the life cycle, which means they might be stronger too.

When you are around a caterpillar please be very careful because they are very delicate. Do not take them from their habitat, because that is how they become endangered. How would you feel if you were a caterpillar in a huge city? 

Cobras By Emma

Cobras are amazing but you rarely find them. Cobras are my favorite snake, but I haven’t seen one at a zoo or the wild. (I recommend not trying to find one because they might bite and they have venom in them). I wanted to see one in a zoo, and when I did see one, its cage was very small, so I didn’t really like it (but the snake was cool). I have seen lots of snakes before in other zoos, but they were in much bigger habitats. I never found out why the cobra’s cage was smaller. Now I am at a new school that at first didn’t have a mascot. The whole school voted on a mascot and it was a cobra! (And yes, I did vote on the cobra.)

What I like about cobras, and why I’m writing this is that when cobras are born, some of the eggs and baby cobras (first born cobras) get eaten by their mother, although some get away and live on their own and try to survive by themselves.

Cobras are a great mascot because cobras are strong, brave, and they never give up. (In my opinion.) Even though cobras are fierce, they need protection too. (So do NOT ruin their habitat.) We (the students at JRC) also need protection just like cobras. I hope you enjoyed my little talk about cobras. (I am a cobra a Callwood cobra!) 

Cobra image by Kamalnv (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The School Blog Survey Results Are In By Mr. Durston

This blog is not only made by the students of this school, it is made for the students too. With this in mind, the administrators of this blog wanted to reach out to the students of JRC to find out a little bit more about the media that they consume on the internet and the way(s) that they access the school's online media. To achieve these goals, a few students distributed a survey to the grade 7/8 classes, and the results are in! Do the graphs look like you would have predicted?   

1. Have you visited the June Rose Callwood school blog (jrcallwood.blogspot.ca)?

2. Are you following June Rose Callwood on Twitter (@jrcallwood)?

3. What social networks, websites, or other media do you use frequently?

4. Do you use a RSS feed reader of any kind to read blog feeds (like Google Reader)?

5. How do you access the internet outside of school?

6. What articles and media would you like to see on the school blog?

Friday, 1 February 2013

Have You Ever Felt Left Out? By Andrew

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I am Andrew, and I’m reading a book called The Perks of Being a Wallflower. In this book there is a boy named Charlie, and he writes letters to the reader talking about himself and what has happened in his life. This book demonstrates the meaning of friendship, and it also explains how people are different and that you should accept that. I like this book because Charlie is just a regular kid, although his friend has died and he is trying different ways to fit in with others. His family does not have the best relationship with each other, but they try to get along.
Friendship is when you have a good relationship with someone, and you both like each other and would do anything for each other. To Charlie, friendship means to connect to someone and having the same likes and dislikes. He discovers this meaning when he meets Patrick and Sam at a football game. They become friends with each other after they get to know each other.
This book is a great book because the author leaves people on the edge of their seat to know what happens in the next chapter. It is weird that it only has five chapters, and each chapter is about four to six letters that Charlie writes. I think what would make this book better is if the author would make more chapters and have Charlie talk more about his friends ,because he really only talks about his life and not really about his family member’s lives.
If you’re reading this, I would recommend this book to you because it has great themes, and it is written from different peoples perspectives. The themes are most appropriate for a teen audience, but they should still be acceptable for a mature reader.