Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Tobuscus Videos By Cameron

Tobuscus is Toby Turner on YouTube. He makes trailers for video games and funny comedy videos, like Tobuscus Canadian Adventures. Tobuscus Canadian Adventures is about how Tobuscus can't call his mom because he doesn't have a service plan on his cell phone, so he wants his brother Gabuscus to call her. The two guys get into an argument and Tobuscus and Gabuscus eventually go to Canada to get Tobuscus a service plan with a no-term contract from Rogers.

The whole point of the video is to be straight up funny. What is so funny is that when he makes a video, he usually fights with his brother (word fights, not fist) and his brother never fights back. Sometimes the stereotypes are funny. Tobuscus talks funny, too. (Fast and annoying sounding) Gabuscus is a different story. He is the big hulky guy that talks in a really low voice.

What makes these videos majorly funny are the endings. (Tobuscus and Gabuscus' big arguments result in physical contact in some of the videos.) They don't really have another way of finishing the fights because they are brothers, and brothers usually can't find out how to resolve a problem. Tobuscus makes something funny by taking our basic expectations and twisting them into something funny. One example of this is when Tobuscus is arguing that Rogers is going to sell his signature. Tobuscus says, "I think that my signature will go down in value." Then Gabuscus says, "I don't think it can be worth less than worthless." That is funny because he is making Tobuscus not understand what's ridiculous and what's not. We see the difference, and that makes us laugh. So, you guys and girls that are reading this blog, please watch the Tobuscus videos if you liked reading this.

(Note: The following video depicts one instance of animated violence and may not be appropriate for younger viewers)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the post about Tobuscus. I watched the video, and I was fascinated by the very "sneaky" advertisement from Rogers, both during the video, and after in the ads that are displayed at the end of the video. The information seems so accurate, that I wonder if Tobuscus is actually a Rogers employee who is making these videos to promote getting a cell phone plan with Rogers. I guess I would have to watch the other videos that are connected with Tobuscus to find out if it supports and/or promotes Rogers.
