Today I’m going to write a blog on skateboarding. I like to skateboard at the London or Port skateparks and around town. I have a Deathwish skateboard, Thunder trucks, Bones wheels, Reds bearings, and Girl hardware. I usually break a deck a week, and this one has lasted a week and a half so far. I use Thunder trucks because they last long and they turn great. When you grind they slide far and smooth and they are light. I like light trucks because it makes it easier to pop tricks, making them high and look nice. I like my wheels because Bones wheels won’t flat spot like other wheels.
Reds bearings may cost a lot but they last long without popping or seizing up, and they go faster than any other bearing. I like the Deathwish deck I have because my boards usually chip, lose pop and shape really fast and mine has lasted longer than most my boards so far, and it’s still got good shape and pop.
I usually break decks on rails, kickers and flat ground tricks. One of my friends named Keenan broke his brand new Venture trucks once on a frontside 180 kickflip over a big grass gap.
The shoes I like to wear are Chris Cole DC’s or Supra’s. I like wearing those shoes for skating drops and stuff they have good impact support and don’t hurt my feet. They break in quickly and feel comfy. Supra’s don’t last long; they only skate nice and feel nice on your feet.
I like to skateboard because it’s fun. You can hangout with friends, film, learn new tricks, and laugh when people bail. I got sponsored for skateboarding by a skateshop in town called Edge sports. I got sponsored because my friend Dez Barnim would film me. Once we got enough clips I handed it into Edge and got the sponsorship!!
Some of the things I put in my video were ollieing 9 sets, 180 6 sets, flip tricks on kickers, and grinds on rails and boxes. When I got sponsored, it got me discounts on everything, and if you go far enough with your sponsorship you can get free boards, shoes and other product. When you are sponsored, if you keep on handing in better footage, they will eventually hand your stuff in to bigger companies.
If they like your stuff they will give you free product every now and then, and if you still keep handing stuff in, they will put you on flow with them and give you a lot of product more often.
This is why I like to skateboard and why I find it fun.