Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Karate By Ilea

Karate silhouette Hi, I’m going to write to you about karate. I take karate classes in a dojo. A teacher is called a sensei. You usually start class by stretching but not always. Each level in karate is represented as a belt. You start as a white belt and move up to black. You go from white to yellow to orange to red to green to purple to blue to brown and then black. You also have advanced belts. An advanced belt is a normal belt, but it has a black stripe in the middle of it. If you are not old enough to get a black belt, you get a junior black. A junior black belt is just like a black belt but it has a white stripe on it almost like an advanced belt. To get a new belt, you have to go through a grading. A grading is when you do all of the basics and a thousand punches. You also have to do your kata in front of the sensei so he can see if you are good enough. If you are not, you will have to re-grade. Before you can re-grade, you have to wait a month. At a black belt grading, you have to go for 8 hours. Since I haven’t got my black belt yet, I do not know what goes on at a black belt grading.

The reason I like karate is because it helps me when I run into a bully and I really need it. Also, it helps me with self-control and not freaking out when someone or something makes me angry or sad. I like it because it makes me active instead of sitting around all day. Sometimes I don’t like karate because I don’t really feel like getting up or working out, and sometimes it’s because I know that they will work me out really hard. Even though I do not like going to karate when I’m having a bad day or I’m just not in the mood, I still keep going back because I don’t want to waste 4 years of hard work, which would make those 4 years count for nothing. I want to be proud of myself as a black belt and not a brown advanced for the rest of my life. Now you know what I’m proud of and passionate about. What is your passion?

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